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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Harp Stork!!!

My new harp arrived today!

It is a 36-string Blevins lever harp, and I got it for playing outdoor weddings (especially the ones on the beach that the larger pedal harps just can't get to). It's also going to be great for my students to use at their lessons. I've been wanting a large Celtic harp for awhile, and finally scraped together enough to buy one. I've had smaller lap harps, but this is a nice middle ground between those and my pedal harps.

It has a beautiful maple finish, with legs to match. I even got out the screwdriver myself to put them on. When I really want something, even I can be handy!

Right now, I'm patiently (sort of) waiting for the strings to keep pitch. They are loosened to prevent damage in transit, and take some time to readjust to being in tune. I can't wait to actually be able to play it! I know it will take some adjusting moving from pedals to levers, but I'm looking forward to giving it a go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Devon! Congratulations on the new addition to the family!